Home Erie News United Way begins new community school in Union City

United Way begins new community school in Union City

union city elementary
Sign for Union City Elementary School, Union City, PA. Photo by Joel Natalie, TalkErie.com

This morning, United Way of Erie County announced their eleventh community school in Erie County: Union City Elementary School. The Community Schools model was brought to Erie County five years ago to directly address the root causes of generational poverty.

Union City Superintendent Matthew Bennett, is excited about the partnership and the resources that come with it.

“When you think of Union City you think of a community that supports each other, and especially the kids. And that’s what this program is all about, getting those supports in there for the kids, families and the community. We already have a great structure here to support our kids and families, this is just going to take it to the next level,” Bennett said.

Applications are being accepted for the Community School Director for Union City Elementary. Those interested should email jobs@unitedwayerie.org.