Home Erie News Discover Presque Isle this weekend

Discover Presque Isle this weekend

Sunset at Presque Isle State Park
Sunset at Presque Isle State Park, Erie, PA. Photo by Joel Natalie, TalkErie.com.

It’s a tradition for over 25 years on the last full weekend in July: folks from throughout the Erie region and their guests celebrate our area’s greatest asset: Presque Isle State Park.

Discover Presque Isle is this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, July 27-29, with events and activities throughout the Peninsula, but mostly centered on Beach 11. You’ll want to get a DPI button: 1 for $3 or 2 for $5, with proceeds benefitting the Presque Isle Partnership. According to the DPI flyer, PIP is “a non-profit organization working together with the DCNR, local partners and sponsors to enhance YOUR experience at Presque Isle State Park. Our mission is to develop, fund and implement projects and programs on the Park while protecting the natural environment!”

Highlights include the Handmade Marketplace on Beach 11, the Sand Sculpture competition on Beach 8, and the PI Rotary’s Pancake Breakfast on Saturday and Sunday at the Rotary Pavilion. Get all the details at www.discoverpi.com.