Home Erie News County Councilman calls community leaders to move from speeches to action

County Councilman calls community leaders to move from speeches to action

Andre Horton & Joel Natalie
Erie County Councilman Andre Horton speaks with TalkErie.com's Joel Natalie after the King Memorial March in Erie, PA, Jan. 21, 2019. Photo by Shani Bills, TalkErie.com.

A large crowd of people joined together for the annual Dr. Martin Luther King Junior Memorial March, despite temperatures Monday hovering around 9 degrees. The focus of the march this year was economic equality for all Erie residents.

However, Erie County Councilman Andre Horton told TalkErie.com that despite the low unemployment rates, people of color in Erie haven’t prospered well.

“We talk about ending racism, and we say all the right things, and we hear all the good speeches, but when the rubber hits the road, blacks aren’t working. People of color aren’t working, in private entities, and they’re not working in government,” Horton said.

Horton said that Erie children need to see leaders that look like them as role models in their schools and in all levels of the public and private sector.

Listen to the entire interview with Councilman Horton by Joel Natalie on TalkErie.com.

Erie County Councilman Andre Horton speaking with Joel Natalie on TalkErie.com, Jan. 21, 2019