Home Erie News Heart health worries for women who don’t get moving

Heart health worries for women who don’t get moving

AHA Go Red for Women logo
Copyright American Heart Association

Women who spent less of their day in sedentary behaviors—sitting or reclining while awake—had a significantly decreased risk of heart disease, but there has been an increase in the incidence of younger women having acute heart attacks in the U.S., according to two studies published by the American Heart Association during February American Heart Month.

Erie Division Director, Gina Klofft told Joel Natalie on TalkErie.com Thursday that this month the focus is on heart risk for women. “Heart disease is the number one killer of women over the age of 25. One of three women will die from some form of cardiovascular disease. And sadly every minute a woman dies from cardiovascular disease,” Klofft said.

More information on women and heart disease is available at https://www.goredforwomen.org/.