Home Erie News Despite social media postings, incidents of fights at Erie High are declining

Despite social media postings, incidents of fights at Erie High are declining

Daryl Craig
Daryl Craig, or Brother D, director of the Blue Coats. Photo by Shani Bills, TalkErie.com.

Citizens and parents have been alarmed at the social media videos of violent fights at Erie High School. Despite the brutality often depicted, school officials claim that the incidence of bad behavior at school is declining, due to the efforts of administrators, teachers, the school district police force and the Blue Coats nonviolence initiative.

Darryl Craig, also known as Brother D is the director of the Blue Coats. He told Joel Natalie on TalkErie.com that through community outreach, building relationships and mentoring, they are able to greatly reduce the number of fights and improve safety at Erie High.

“We have not had one gang or network-related incident at that school,” he said.

Brother D encourages parents to monitor their children’s social media activity and stay in communication with the schools.