Home Erie News Mayor announces appointments to boards, authorities

Mayor announces appointments to boards, authorities

Joe Schember, Mayor of the City of Erie. Photo by Shani Bills, TalkErie.com.

At Thursday’s weekly news conference, Erie Mayor Joe Schember announced his appointments to various open or expired seats on authorities, boards, and commissions. The city advertised the open positions on social media, and received 235 applications for 13 open volunteer positions.  Finalists were interviewed and the 13 chosen.

Erie Parking Authority

Mayor’s Note: With the Parking Authority, we wanted to add some fresh perspectives without losing historical context, expertise, and consistency.

Dr. Tony Snow

  • Medical Director at the Erie County Dept of Health
  • President and Co-Founder of WellFit Incorporated
  • Medical Director and Co-Host of the Wellsville TV Show
  • Remains as Chair of the Board.
  • For Dr. Snow, it’s all about putting people first.
  • Honored to continue on to lead the board into the next chapter.
  • Grew up here, glass half-full kind of guy.
  • Sees this as an exciting challenge with lots of opportunity and enthusiasm for collaborating on projects and implementing a broader vision.  
  • He believes that if we are all doing a little, then together we’re doing a lot.  

John Tretter

  • Has served on the Parking Authority for 14 years.
  • Brings a wealth of expertise related to his 30+ years of construction experience in concrete and rebar reinforcement.
  • 16 years as Business Manager of Labors Local 603 with experience in budgeting, management of workforce, labor relations, and an extensive network of contacts in the construction industry as well as vendors to construct and maintain existing ramps.
  • An invaluable asset to the new Executive Director, Christopher Friday.  

Tom Chido

  • Has served 13 years.  
  • Offers continuity.
  • Downtown business owner.
  • Vast knowledge in terms of the business of the parking authority
  • Involved in the budget process, management and blue collar issues, bond issues, refinancing, safety, security, technology, and public relations.
  • Mission to make sure Erie has plenty of safe, convenient, affordable parking.

John Voli

  • 23 years of experience in government and politics
  • Holds a Master’s degree in political management
  • Feels called to serve the community in a volunteer capacity
  • Sees the potential for Erie and is passionate and dedicated to being a part of making the transformation happen.

Hannah Kirby

  • She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration.
  • After graduating from Gannon, Hannah chose to live in Erie.
  • She is passionate about her adopted home.
  • She left her job as a quality engineer at Lord Corporation to open a coffee shop in downtown Erie.  
  • As the owner of Ember & Forge, she brings the perspective of a downtown business.
  • She is very interested in the development of downtown.
  • She brings a fresh set of eyes and wants to be a part of obtaining local grassroots input into policies and plans that impact development.

Erie Events/Erie County Convention Center Authority

Dr. Matthew White

  • Now managing director of Whitethorn Digital Media, Matthew is a ten-year leader in video game entertainment
  • As a millennial, he has a unique, fresh perspective on changing trends, perspectives, and motivations.
  • He has many ideas for how Erie can drive millennial and younger engagement and grow through its events and activities.
  • Understands the importance of placemaking and attracting events and activities in all four seasons.
  • He chose to move here with his family and make his home in Erie.

Erie Redevelopment Authority

Rosmari Graham

  • Experience working on neighborhood revitalization and is committed to assisting with making positive changes in our region.
  • Served as the Executive Director of the Sisters of St. Joseph Neighborhood Network for over 5 years with a mission to revitalize two Erie neighborhoods.
  • Started the NPP and NAP tax credit programs which infused corporate commitment into neighborhood investment, allowing them to remove blight, create public art installations, and develop community gardens and farmers markets.
  • Served on the Erie County Economic Development Corporation and the Enterprise Development Fund.
  • Was a Steering Committee Member for Erie Refocused.
  • Also has a background in marketing & communications.

Greg Dennis

  • Design/engineering experience with a firm that served the City of Bradford Redevelopment Authority, the McKean County Redevelopment Authority, and McKean County’s Bradford and Foster Townships.
  • Served on the Bradford Township Zoning Hearing Board for over 10 years and the City of Bradford’s Zoning Hearing Board.
  • 34 years of experience as a Reliability Specialist for the American Refining Group, responsible for continuous and reliable operation of non-rotating equipment, building systems, bridges, and various infrastructure, including road/street design and underground utilities.
  • Has fresh eyes and he chose to live here because he has a passion for Erie.

Erie Land Bank

Jason Pero

  • Has 18 years of experience in property acquisition, rehabilitation, and redevelopment within the City of Erie.  
  • Manages a construction/maintenance team of 12 people working to improve properties in distressed areas in Erie.
  • Served as a board member on the Apartment Association for 14 years (with 7 years as Vice President and 18 months as President).

Planning Commission

Jason Wieczorek

  • Has 20+ years of experience in zoning, site planning, and development.
  • Took urban planning courses throughout architecture school.
  • Studied urban planning in Europe
  • Serves on the City of Erie’s Blighted Property Review Committee.
  • Works at Bostwick Design Partnership, managing projects from $10,000 to projects in excess of $100 m.

Erica Jenkins

  • Moved to Erie in 2013
  • Has served on the Erie County Bar Association Board, the Board of Our West Bayfront.
  • Has been an attorney for over 18 years.
  • With her legal experience and her perspective from living in other cities and understanding the needs of a city such as Erie, she will be a tremendous asset to the planning commission.

Mary Rennie [Alternate]

  • Has a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science
  • Was an employee of County Government for 35 years, mostly in management and administrative roles.
  • Mary is passionate about the Erie community.  She is hardworking, optimistic, results-oriented, and pragmatic.  She recognizes the importance of planning and taking a holistic, long-term approach to neighborhood planning and historic preservation.

Amanda Burlingham [Alternate]

Erie Water Works

The Mayor said, at the request of the Harborcreek Township Supervisors, we renewed the Harborcreek representative, Atty. Brian Fife, whose expertise has been invaluable.