Home Joel Natalie Show Plans have major impact on where citizens live, work

Plans have major impact on where citizens live, work

Joel Natalie talks to (l) John Morgan from Millcreek Township, Kathy Wyrosdick of the City of Erie, and Jeff Keeler of the County of Erie. Photo by Shani Bills, TalkErie.com

In recent years hundreds of thousands of dollars have been spent preparing comprehensive plans for municipalities and even neighborhoods throughout Erie County. We invited the planning experts to unpack what’s in those plans and some of the things in store for citizens where they live. Joel Natalie interviewed, Kathy Wyrosdick, the Planning Director of the City of Erie, John Morgan, a member of the Millcreek Township Board of Supervisors and leader in the  Departments of Administration and Planning and Development, and Jeff Keeler, Data Center Coordinator for Erie County.