On Tuesday, we put our focus on the jobs in Erie County that have high demand as well as jobs with high-growth potential. But first, we got an update on the latest developments on the recent Wabtec/GE Transportation merger and their ongoing talks with their union membership from Jim Martin, reporter for the Erie Times News & GoErie.com. Then John Stahl, Human Resources manager at Lord Corporation and President of the Erie Regional Manufacturer Partnership, joined Jim Willats, owner of Machining Concepts, Erie and a member of the ERMP for a conversation with Joel Natalie. They talked about the multiple job opportunities in manufacturing right now and how the Partnership works with local schools in developing career pathways leading young people into developing skills for our future workforce in the field. Finally, Janet Anderson, the Director of NWPA Job Connect reviewed the hot jobs and skills needed in diverse sectors such as health care, education, and business.