Home Erie News Website designed to help site selectors choose Erie

Website designed to help site selectors choose Erie

Choose Erie
Choose Erie website screen grab.

When it comes to economic development in Erie County it can get confusing to navigate all of the programs and opportunities in the region. That’s why Choose-Erie-dot-com was developed, as the single point of contact for businesses considering locating or expanding in Erie County. James Grunke, the CEO of the Erie Regional Chamber and Growth Partnership, told TalkErie.com that his team of experts exist to bring clarity to the economic development puzzle.

“We’re not actually doing the revolving loan fund, or putting the grants together, or all the many necessary ingredients for successful economic development. We’re the marketer, we’re the cheerleader, we’re the coach; sometimes we’re the quarterback. We are just the central entry point for a confusing system and we want to make it simple,” said Grunge.

The new single web portal is ChooseErie.com.