Home Erie News Erie County seeking residents’ input on broadband services

Erie County seeking residents’ input on broadband services

Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash

 Erie, PA – Erie County Executive Kathy Dahlkemper’s administration has created a survey to ask residents to share information about their broadband service and coverage needs. 

The survey is available online at http://broadband.eriecountypa.gov. Residents may also take the survey by calling the County Executive’s Office at 814-451-7440. 

Information from the survey will help the county identify gaps in coverage, said Erick Friedman, director of Information Technology for Erie County. 

Dahlkemper said the survey also will help determine where state and federal resources would be best utilized in Erie County. 

“We encourage all residents to take the survey, either on their computer, on their mobile device or by phone,” Dahlkemper said. “We are working hard to make high-speed internet more affordable and accessible in all corners of the county, but we need input from our citizens to help make that happen.” 

In addition, the survey website is meant to serve as a resource for Erie County residents, offering resources about broadband service and providing updates about county initiatives to expand coverage in the county.