Home Joel Natalie Show Celebrating Joel’s 35th Gannon Graduation Anniversary

Celebrating Joel’s 35th Gannon Graduation Anniversary

joel, aj, mc, shani
Joel Natalie poses with his Gannon University professors A.J. Miceli and M.C. Gensheimer, and show producer and Gannon grad Shani Bills, May 17, 2019. Photo by Dawn Estela, TalkErie.com

On Friday, we had a mini-reunion in the studio, as we celebrated Joel’s 35th anniversary of graduation from Gannon University’s Department of Theatre and Communication Arts, now known as the School of Communications and the Arts.  The year was 1984, and Joel’s life in broadcasting was just beginning, backed by an epic soundtrack of 80s tunes.  We invited two of his Gannon professors, A.J. Miceli and M.C. Gensheimer, to join us on the air and talk about how broadcasting has changed over these 35 years. Classmates Mark V. Moorhead, accomplished author and actor, and Bob Bohen, technical director at WICU and WSEE were also with us sharing what’s been happening with them over the decades.

Shani Bills BA ’97, Joel Natalie BA ’84, and Bob Bohen BA ’84, Gannon University.