Home Erie News Erie hosts downtown revitalization conference

Erie hosts downtown revitalization conference

Look of State Street, Erie PA.
State Street in Erie, PA. Photo credit: Tony D'Aurora

Leaders from cities and towns across the state, are descending on Erie this week, for the Annual Statewide Community Revitalization Conference. The event is for people dedicated to renewing their downtown and business districts, focusing on transforming communities, into thriving and economically vibrant places.

The Erie Downtown Partnership is serving as the host organization. Executive Director John Buchna told TalkErie.com that innovation is this year’s theme.

“We are looking to help improve and create the new economy for Erie. It involves innovation, it involves entrepreneurship, and it all involves the economic vitality of a community: downtown and neighborhoods,” Buchna said.

The conference, sponsored by the Pennsylvania Downtown Center, continues through Wednesday morning.