Home Joel Natalie Show Go College provides students real support to post-secondary choices

Go College provides students real support to post-secondary choices

Barb Priestap, Go College program director, and recent Erie High School graduates and Go College participants, Justice, Kimberly, and Mikal-Bryan talk with Joel Natalie (l) on TalkErie.com, June 7, 2019. Photo by Shani Bills, TalkErie.com.

On Friday’s show we talked to three launching seniors, Mikal-Bryan, Justice, and Kimberly, who just graduated from Erie High School, and who were also participants in the Go College Program.  We also welcomed back to the microphone Barb Priestap, the Go College Program Director and High School Outreach Liaison at Gannon University. We heard the stories of our graduates and how they navigated the college selection and application process and how the Go College program helped to launch these young people into the next step of their lives.