Home Joel Natalie Show Barriers low, need great for foster parents

Barriers low, need great for foster parents

Foster parents
Amy Bizjak, director of foster care at Bethesda Lutheran Services, and foster mothers Jessica and Amy, speak with Joel Natalie, July 17, 2019. Photo by Shani Bills, TalkErie.com.

On the Wednesday edition of the Joel Natalie Show, we learned more about the foster care system in Erie County. Back in March, we heard the personal stories of a few local families that welcomed children as fosters, and later adopted. In this episode, we get new perspectives particularly from an administrative and social service standpoint. We sat down with Amy Bizjak, director of foster care at Bethesda Lutheran Services, who brought with her foster mothers Jessica and Amy, who work in encouraging, resourcing, and mentoring other foster parents. Then Ashley Perkins, resource family specialist at Families United Network joined us to bring us through the process of what it takes to become foster parents.