Home Erie News Hundreds serve the students and teachers at Erie school

Hundreds serve the students and teachers at Erie school

Marcus Atkinson, July 25, 2019. Photo by Shani Bills, TalkErie.com.

Friday, hundreds of volunteers converged on JoAnna Connell School in the City of Erie for the second day of the ServErie School Initiative. Executive Director Marcus Atkinson told TalkErie.com that some 15 hundred people from across the region were expected to participate in the large-scale service opportunity.

“Traditionally, people come from all over. You see several jobs where people are coming and serving as a team, that’s always great to see. Often times, if not all the time, when it comes to these projects, people are coming from the city and county. It’s just an opportunity to come together for the common good,” Atkinson said.

There’s one more day of the ServErie project at JoAnna Connell. Four hour shifts begin at 8:00 am and 1:00 pm Saturday.