Home Joel Natalie Show ‘Undercover Billionaire’ calls Joel Natalie Show

‘Undercover Billionaire’ calls Joel Natalie Show

Glenn Stearns
Glenn Stearns in a frame from Discovery's "Undercover Billionaire." Contributed photo.

Billionaire Glenn Stearns, came to Erie PA with just $100 in his pocket and 30 years of business acumen with the goal to see if he can build a million-dollar company in just 90 days. That’s the premise of a brand-new reality show UNDERCOVER BILLIONAIRE, premiering Tuesday, August 6 at 10 PM ET/PT on Discovery.

Listen to Stearns conversation with Joel Natalie on TalkErie.com from Wednesday, July 31st.

Glenn Stearns on the Joel Natalie Show, July 31, 2019.