Home Erie News Statement from Erie’s Public Schools

Statement from Erie’s Public Schools

daycare fire
Scene of fire on West 11th Street, Erie PA that killed five children on Aug. 11, 2019. Photo by Macala Leigey, TalkErie.com.

The administration of Erie’s Public Schools released the following statement:

“We are all profoundly saddened to learn of the deaths of five children, including some who attend Erie’s Public Schools, in a tragic fire early Sunday morning. The entire EPS family sends our deepest condolences to their families and friends, and stands ready to support all those affected. Counselors and other professionals who are trained to help meet the emotional needs of our students, staff and parents will be available to anyone who may want or need assistance in the days ahead. Those who need support should call the district administration building or their school. We also want to thank the first responders who worked tirelessly that day, embodying true selflessness.”
– Erie’s Public Schools