Home Erie News FULL COVERAGE: Devastating fire kills five children

FULL COVERAGE: Devastating fire kills five children

daycare fire
Scene of fire on West 11th Street, Erie PA that killed five children on Aug. 11, 2019. Photo by Macala Leigey, TalkErie.com.

The Sunday, Aug. 11th morning fire on Erie’s west side which killed five young children, including four from the same family has devastated everyone involved as well as the entire community.

This post will be TalkErie.com’s directory of coverage and will be continuously updated.


Mayor’s News Conference on Erie daycare fire tragedy, Aug. 13, 2019
Interview with Danica Scott, next-door neighbor to Harris Family Daycare, Aug. 12, 2019
Breonna Payne, best friend of mother who lost four children in daycare fire, Aug. 12, 2019
Joe Crotty, Chief of the Lawrence Park VFD, talks to Joel Natalie, Aug. 12, 2019


fire memorial
Spontaneous memorial at site of deadly fire that killed five children in Erie, PA the morning of Aug. 11, 2019. Photo taken Aug. 12, 2019 by Macala Leigey, TalkErie.com