Home Joel Natalie Show Tools, advice available for business start-ups at SBDC

Tools, advice available for business start-ups at SBDC

RJ Messenger, owner of Iron Empire Clothing and Maggie Horne, the Director of Gannon University’s Small Business Development Center, speak with Joel Natalie, Sept. 11, 2019. Photo by Karen Steele, TalkErie.com.

On our Wednesday show, we spoke to the leaders from Gannon University’s Small Business Development Center about what kind of assets they can offer for start-up businesses, just like the Undercover Billionaire was able to utilize, as presented on the Discovery Channel TV show..  Our guests were Maggie Horne – the SBDC’s director, along with RJ Messenger of Iron Empire Clothing and the Underdog BBQ, and Matt Sanders from the Underdog BBQ.