Home Erie News Annual Lake Erie International Coastal Cleanup volunteers step up on Sept. 21

Annual Lake Erie International Coastal Cleanup volunteers step up on Sept. 21

Sunset at Presque Isle State Park
Sunset at Presque Isle State Park, Erie, PA. Photo by Joel Natalie, TalkErie.com.

UPDATE: Erie, PA – Erie County, along with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), as well as cleanup site coordinators and public volunteers participated in the Pennsylvania-Lake Erie International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) Saturday morning, Sept. 21, to improve the Lake Erie watershed.

This year’s effort focused on 20 sites along the Lake Erie shoreline and watershed. During the 17th annual ICC in Erie County, 864 volunteers removed 221 bags of trash totaling 2,755.4 pounds of trash, tires and other littered items from along miles of shoreline and waterways.

“I’m always so grateful to our community and to all our volunteers who come out every year to improve the environment,” Erie County Executive Kathy Dahlkemper said.

The information gathered during these cleanups continues to be used as educational material for environmental programs in local schools and highlighted in Erie Times-News’ Newspapers in Education series. During the school year, Erie Times-News publishes a page each Tuesday dedicated to environmental issues.

International Coastal Cleanup, the oldest and largest volunteer project of its kind, is celebrating its 32nd anniversary. This event and effort could not be done without the support of generous volunteers and local organizations including Erie County Conservation District; Asbury Woods and Nature Center; PA Steelhead Association; Springfield Township; Fairview Township; Millcreek Township; Mercyhurst University; Gannon University; Edinboro University; Penn State Erie, The Behrend Campus; Erie Downtown Partnership; Erie Neighborhood Art House; Benedictine Sisters; and Baker Creek Watershed Association.

ORIGINAL POST: Erie, PA – Volunteers are needed to help with the annual International Coastal Cleanup, which will take place Saturday, Sept. 21, from 9 a.m. to noon at locations around Erie County. 

Cleanups are scheduled at the following sites:

  • Raccoon Creek Park, Springfield Twp 
  • Avonia Beach Park, Fairview Twp
  • Erie Bluffs State Park/Elk Creek Access, Girard Twp 
  • Walnut Creek Access and Manchester Beach, Fairview Twp 
  • Asbury Woods along Upper Walnut Creek, Millcreek Twp 
  • Frontier Park along Cascade Creek, City of Erie 
  • Belle Valley Presbyterian Church along upper Mill Creek, Millcreek Twp 
  • West and East Bayfront and downtown City of Erie 
  • Wintergreen Gorge along upper Four Mile Creek, Harborcreek Twp 
  • Lawrence Park Golf Club along lower Four Mile Creek, Lawrence Park Twp 
  • Headwaters Park at the Erie County Conservation District, Millcreek Twp 
  • Shades Beach Park, Harborcreek Twp 
  • North East Marina and Freeport Beach along Twenty Mile Creek, North East Twp 
  • Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Edinboro Borough 
  • Bridger Park, Millcreek Twp 
  • East Avenue Boat Launch and Beach, City of Erie 
  • Glinodo Center along Seven Mile Creek, Harborcreek Twp 

New this year is a group of volunteer divers that will be diving at Presque Isle Marina removing any litter underwater in the marina area. 

On the day of the cleanup, site coordinators will distribute instructions and supplies, including gloves and trash bags, to volunteers. 

This is the 17th year for the International Coastal Cleanup event in Erie County. It is organized by Erie County government and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, with support from the Ocean Conservancy, and Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful. 

Assisting with costs of disposal for the materials collected, Waste Management will be providing trash collection and disposal at most of the sites, and Bridgestone Americas has provided the Erie International Coastal Cleanup with a Tire4ward grant to help with any tires collected during the event. 

In 2018’s event, nearly 700 volunteers cleaned up more than 3,000 pounds of trash in Erie County. 

All volunteers are encouraged to register for the cleanup by visiting http://nie.goerie.com/register/ or by contacting Joy Knapp at 814-451-7332 or jknapp@eriecountypa.gov