Home Erie News Erie prominent in two national newspaper features Monday

Erie prominent in two national newspaper features Monday

Aerial photo by Tony DiAurora for TalkErie.com. All rights reserved.

Erie-area readers woke up to two national newspapers spotlighting their hometown in features Monday morning:

  • The Wall Street Journal posted “Erie Hit ‘Rock Bottom.’ The Former Factory Hub Thinks It Has a Way Out,” written by Ruth Simon and Kris Maher. The story focuses on the new investments that have come to downtown Erie, the work of the Erie Downtown Development Corporation, and the possibilities inherent in the Opportunity Zones. Quotes by Erie Insurance chairman Tom Hagen, EDDC’s John Persinger, and Mayor Joe Schember are included.
  • The New York Times national correspondent Trip Gabriel reported on the state of the 2020 Presidential Election in “‘I Gave the Other Guy a Shot’.” The report focuses on interviews with 2016 voters who went for President Trump and what their voting leanings might be now. Quotes from Mercyhurst University professor Joe Morris, Mark Graham, Mark Miller, and Lyne Daniels are prominent.