Home Erie News Senate Approves Bill Requiring Drivers Clear Snow/Ice from Vehicles

Senate Approves Bill Requiring Drivers Clear Snow/Ice from Vehicles

Senator Dan Laughlin (R-Erie) questions Secretary Dennis Davin during the Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing for the Department of Community & Economic Development (DCED), March 7, 2019. Screen shot from contributed video.

The Senate approved a measure on Monday (October 21) that would require drivers to remove ice and snow from their vehicles, according to Senator Dan Laughlin (R-49), a co-sponsor of the bill. Senate Bill 114 now goes to the House of Representatives for consideration.

“An 18-inch thick slab of snow and ice blown from the top of an SUV is bad enough, but just imagine an iceberg of that same thickness coming off the top of a semi as it barrels along an interstate highway,” said Senator Laughlin. “That negligence – regardless of the size of vehicle — is simply unforgiveable – especially if it results in a tragic accident. That’s why I co-sponsored this bill.”

The current law only penalizes a driver when serious bodily harm occurs from a snow or ice projectile. Senate Bill 114 would give police officers discretion to pull over a vehicle where the buildup of ice or snow poses a potential hazard.