Home Joel Natalie Show The growing film-making ecosystem in Erie

The growing film-making ecosystem in Erie

Lyons & Berlin
Members of the Film Society of Northwestern Pennsylvania John C. Lyons and Erika Berlin speak with Joel Natalie, Oct. 24, 2019. Photo by Karen Steele, TalkErie.com.

Thanks for listening to the Joel Natalie Show Podcast, where we like to highlight interesting organizations and people in Erie.  On Thursday, we had a vibrant conversation with John C. Lyons, Executive Director, and Erika Berlin, President of the Film Society of Northwestern Pennsylvania. We took a deep dive into what it’s like making films in Erie, the production of their Unearth movie, and other recent happenings at the film society. Our chat also revealed how members of the Society supplied support to the production crews of the Undercover Billionaire show shot in Erie.