Home Erie News City of Erie Seeks Community Input for Eastside Connector Study

City of Erie Seeks Community Input for Eastside Connector Study

Eastside Connector
The study area for the Eastside Connector Study. Contributed graphic.

Conducting feedback opportunity for residents

The City of Erie’s Bureau of Engineering Department want to help ensure their residents are safe from further spreading of COVID -19 and is doing its part by conducting an online survey about the Eastside Connector Study instead of face-to-face interviews. This short survey will help identify problem areas for pedestrians and cyclists along the Eastside Connector from East 6th Street to the Broad Street Intersection. To participate in this survey click on: http://www.surveymonkey.com/r/EastsideConnector.

This survey is in conjunction with a study that will provide valuable information and determine the most feasible multimodal crossing solutions along the Eastside Connector. It is the City’s upmost concern to provide accessible and safe east – west multimodal connectivity for its residents. This is an opportunity for residents to voice their safety and access concerns about an ongoing city project while remaining safe indoors. In addition, the online survey will be linked to the City’s website. The website also has a short description of all the planning studies currently underway in Erie, PA.

To participate in this survey or sign up for future updates click on the following link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/r/EastsideConnector.