Home Erie News Erie County reports two new positive cases of COVID-19

Erie County reports two new positive cases of COVID-19

Covid-19 Pandemic Coverage

County Executive Kathy Dahlkemper today announced two new positive cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Erie County. The total number of cumulative cases of COVID-19 in Erie County to date is 90, with 2,034 negatives and 66 recovered.

The new cases are in their 40s and 50s, and both are located in Zone 1. Current data can be found on the chart on the “Positive Cases in Erie County” page at eriecountypa.gov. Contact tracing continues by Erie County Department of Health.

Of the 90 cases, 53% are female and 47% are male. The breakdown of cases by race is as follows:

  • 75% White residents
  • 22% Black residents
  • 2% Multiracial residents
  • 1% Asian residents

Seventeen percent of the total cases are Hispanic residents.

The environmental team at Erie County Department of Health continues to make field visits and work with the guidelines from the state to assist businesses with reopening in Erie County.

“Until the stay-at-home order is lifted, please continue to stay home, wash your hands frequently, wear a mask if you must leave your home, and keep a distance of at least 6 feet from anyone who does not live inside your home,” Dahlkemper said.

Guidance for construction and golf, as well as guidance for masks and businesses allowed to operate, fact sheets, business resources, family resources, videos, translations, continues to be added to eriecountypa.gov as it comes available.

All questions related to COVID-19 symptoms and enforcement should be directed to Erie County Department of Health at 814-451-6700 or ecdhinfo@eriecountypa.gov.