Home Erie News Erie’s Public Schools Launches Online Enrollment for 2020-21

Erie’s Public Schools Launches Online Enrollment for 2020-21

Erie's Public Schools

Online enrollment is now open for students entering pre-kindergarten or kindergarten in Erie’s Public Schools for the 2020-21 school year.

Families of incoming pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students are asked to visit the https://eriepac.scriborder.com to complete the necessary registration forms and upload required documentation, including birth certificate, proof of residency, and immunization records. The link to the secure site can also be found on the district’s enrollment webpage, eriesd.org/registration, along with other important enrollment-related information and

Families who do not have access to technology or who need in-person support should make an appointment to complete the enrollment process at the district administration building, 148 W. 21 st St. Appointments can be scheduled by emailing childaccounting@eriesd.org or by calling (814) 874-6150.

An online registration form for students in grades 1-12 will be available in the near future. Until then, families who will be joining the district for the first time in 2020-21 and who have students entering grades 1-12 also should schedule an appointment using the contact
information above.

Although the enrollment process has changed, the requirements for enrolling a student in Erie’s Public Schools have not. Children entering pre-kindergarten must be age 4 before September 1, 2020. Children entering kindergarten must be age 5 before September 1, 2020. Complete requirements and a printable enrollment packet for families enrolling in person can be found at eriesd.org/registration.