Home Erie News PennDOT Bayfront Project on Hold

PennDOT Bayfront Project on Hold

State & Bayfront
State Street in Erie, PA, looking south toward the intersection with Bayfront Parkway. Photo by Joel Natalie, TalkErie.com.

The Erie City Council denied PennDOT’s request to move forward with their Bayfront Parkway project. In a six to one decision, City Council voted for a public hearing to take place in September of this year about the controversial plan.

Citizens that spoke at the City Council meeting expressed their concerns, including safe pedestrian access, the “No Action” alternative, and the possible effects from pollution created by the extra traffic flow once the project is completed.

Citizens have suggested that a Bayfront boulevard would not only help pedestrian access, but be better suited for the economic and environmental development for the city of Erie.

On PennDOT’s website, they say that the Bayfront Parkway project will “improve pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and passenger vehicle connections.”

To watch watch the entire August 19 Erie City meeting visit the Erie City Council website or click the link: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=363570315040125