Home Erie News Water authority confident of system safety

Water authority confident of system safety

Photo by Matthew T Rader on Unsplash

There are built-in safeguards to ensure the safety of Erie’s water supply.

That’s the message that Paul Vojtek, Erie Water Works CEO, shared with TalkErie.com in the wake of recent news of a hacking scare in a water system in Florida. Vojtek says that only three or four computers can access the controls that mix the chemicals used to keep the water safe. Even if they were compromised, the chemical injection pumps themselves are designed to stay within DEP guidelines.

“We design our pumps to run at about a 60-70% of capacity. Meaning a pump can only pump five parts per million if we are using it to pump in three,” Vojtek said.

Vojtek also said that rates that Erie Water Works customers pay, are around one-third less than comparable systems in Western Pennsylvania.