Home Joel Natalie Show Protecting your finances from fraud

Protecting your finances from fraud

Montefiori & Lopez
Representatives from Marquette Savings Bank Lisa Lopez (lower left) and Kelly Montefiori (upper left) speak to Joel Natalie and Shani Bills via Zoom, March 23, 2021. Photo by Joel Natalie, TalkErie.com.

On our Tuesday edition of the Joel Natalie Show, we continued the money talks with a stimulating discussion on banking.  How has banking changed in the past year with the pandemic, and what about the scams that seem to be so prevalent since the stimulus checks were announced?  We went in-depth with representatives from Marquette Savings Bank: Kelly Montefiori, Chief Operating Officer, and Lisa Lopez, Senior Vice President of Deposit Operations, who shared their expert opinions on banking in the 21st century and how to protect yourself from fraud.