Home Joel Natalie Show Candidates for City of Erie Mayor

Candidates for City of Erie Mayor

Démocrate Mayoral Candidates 2021
2021 Municipal Primary Democratic Erie Mayoral Candidates: Mayor Joe Schember (l), Tom Spagel (c), and Sydney Zimmerman (r). Contributed photos.

In an effort to provide Erie voters with information on the upcoming election, Erie News/Talk radio station TalkErie.com /WZTE aired interviews with all three candidates for the Democratic nomination for City of Erie Mayor. Due to social distancing guidelines, all interviews were conducted via teleconferencing technology and aired Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday May 4-6, 2021. Here are those interviews by Joel Natalie, host of the Joel Natalie Show:

Mayor Joe Schember

Mayor Joe Schember speaks with Joel Natalie. Originally aired on May 4, 2021 on TalkErie.

Tom Spagel

Tom Spagel speaks with Joel Natalie. Originally aired on May 5, 2021 on TalkErie.

Sydney Zimmerman

Sydney Zimmerman speaks with Joel Natalie. Originally aired on May 6, 2021 on TalkErie.

Be sure to vote in the Municipal Primary on Tuesday, May 18, 2021.