Home Joel Natalie Show Servant-leadership exhibited on 9-11

Servant-leadership exhibited on 9-11

Lynch & Savocchio
Former Erie County Executive Dr. Judy Lynch (left), Former Erie Mayor Joyce Savocchio were interviewed by Joel Natalie at the Jefferson Educational Society, Sep. 9, 2021. Photo by Angela Beaumont for TalkErie.com.

Friday was one day before the anniversary of September 11th…20 years since that day that changed America in so many ways.  To commemorate that day, we arranged an exclusive interview with Erie County’s two elected officials that were charged with leading Erie through that time of crisis. Our guests were former Erie Mayor Joyce Savocchio, and former Erie County Executive Dr. Judy Lynch, and we recorded the conversation at the Jefferson Educational Society. They shared their memories of that day, the actions taken to make local citizens safe, the spirit of unity that arose, and a warning about the great division America is experiencing today.