Home Erie News NPRC Head surprised at budget zero-out

NPRC Head surprised at budget zero-out

Susan Snelick, President of the Northern Pennsylvania Regional College. Contributed photo

UPDATE: The Governor’s office provided TalkErie News with the following clarification:

NPRC was appropriated $7 million each in 2020-21 and 2021-22 but hasn’t drawn down any money in those last two appropriations, so they currently have $14 million in budget reserves and that is why there is no appropriation ​currently.


Erie Senator Dan Laughlin criticized Governor Tom Wolf’s 2022-23 budget plan for eliminating funding for the Northern Pennsylvania Regional College, which Laughlin called “a convenient, affordable and needed college opportunity” for Northern Pennsylvanians.

Meanwhile, NPRC President Susan Snelick told Joel Natalie on TalkErie that officials at the school were totally surprised at the proposal’s lack of funding.

“In every budget season, there are always surprises, but we were very disappointed to learn that the governor had done that through his budget proposal,” Snelick said.

Snelick further commented that the Regional College has work to do to better tell their story.