Home Erie News Congressional campaigns trade barbs over Erie Reader article

Congressional campaigns trade barbs over Erie Reader article

Kelly & Wertz
At left, Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA 16), Jul. 22, 2022. At right, Erie County Democratic Chairman Dr. Jim Wertz, Jul. 22, 2022. Photos by Joel Natalie, TalkErie.com.

It was a political back-and-forth over questions about the 2020 election, with 2022 implications. Friday, Congressman Mike Kelly called a news conference challenging an opinion article in this month’s Erie Reader newspaper written by Erie Democratic chairman Dr. Jim Wertz. Kelly called for his 16th District opponent, Dan Pastore, to disavow the piece. Meanwhile, Wertz called his own presser to stand by his assertions in the piece. The November election is just 15 weeks away.

Unedited audio from Rep. Mike Kelly’s news conference, Jul. 22, 2022 at Erie County GOP Headquarters.
Unedited audio from Dr. Jim Wertz’s news conference, Jul. 22, 2022 at Erie County Democratic Headquarters.

News Release from Mike Kelly for Congress campaign, Jul. 22, 2022:

Mike Kelly Calls on Dan Pastore To Condemn Deliberately False Story

 U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA), is calling on his opponent to condemn the Erie Reader article from their July 14th, 2022, publication. The article suggests a false narrative that Kelly requested a pardon from former President Donald Trump following the 2020 election. 

The article, authored by Erie County Democratic chairman Jim Wertz, who is also listed on the newspaper’s masthead as “contributing editor”, falsely suggests that Kelly’s name is on a list of those seeking pardons. Kelly has never sought a pardon, nor would he ever have needed one. 

“This blatantly false story is clearly an attempt to assist the campaign of my left-wing opponent. It is astonishing that a publication purporting to be a news outlet would run, apparently unedited, such an elaborate smear,” Kelly said. “I’m sad to say that I am not surprised. This story is an insult to the American people. Families are struggling to pay inflated prices at the grocery stores, extreme gas prices at the pumps… and this is the left’s way to distract from the reality of their party.” 

Kelly’s campaign earlier in the week initially began the process of filing a lawsuit against the Erie Reader. 

“Instead of tying both parties up in litigation when we should be campaigning on our platforms, ideas and attending events to reach out to the people of the district,” said Melanie Brewer, Kelly campaign spokesperson, “we are initiating a more diplomatic approach. We are asking the newspaper to delete the false story from its website and apologize to both its readers and to Rep. Kelly.” 

Kelly is calling on his opponent to condemn the article. “If Mr. Pastore, a former attorney, does not condemn outright lies, then it can only be assumed that he condones them and believes that this is an acceptable way to campaign. We are asking Mr. Pastore to show his true character by denouncing the Erie Reader article and make a promise that he will not promote misinformation,” Kelly said.

News Release from Dan Pastore for Congress campaign, Jul. 22, 2022:

Pastore Calls on Kelly to Release All Communications with Trump Administration & Campaign Between Election Day 2020 and January 6, 2021

Democratic candidate for Congress Dan Pastore today called on Congressman Mike Kelly to publicly release all communications between him and his staff and the Trump Administration, the Trump Campaign, and allied groups between Election Day 2020 and January 6, 2021. Kelly filed a lawsuit seeking to overturn the results of the 2020 election shortly and has continued to spread the Big Lie that the election was stolen.

Pastore is calling on Kelly to release all phone records, emails, and text messages between Kelly and his staff with anyone in the Trump Administration, the Trump campaign, and the various groups that organized rallies that falsely claimed the 2020 election was stolen. He is also requesting that Kelly release his calendar and the calendars of his staff during that timeframe. Pastore’s request also includes communications with Trump’s Election Day Operations Director Mike Roman, attorneys Rudolph Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, Sidney Powell, and all others involved in Trump’s efforts to overturn the election. 

Recently, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson told a radio show that Kelly’s office requested that he personally hand Vice President Mike Pence a list of phony presidential electors prior to the certification of the election results. At first, Kelly denied all involvement in the scheme that is now being investigated by the U.S. Department of Justice, but his story has changed as more facts have been revealed. It turns out that Kelly’s Chief of Staff Matthew Stroia contacted Johnson’s office. It was reported yesterday that Kelly’s office was involved in the fake elector scheme as early as December 2020.

“It’s time Mike Kelly tells the truth about his election lies. If he really wanted this election to be about the truth, he would apologize to his constituents for suing to throw out their votes and for repeatedly lying about the 2020 election,” Pastore said. “Mike Kelly needs to finally come clean and release all records surrounding communications between Kelly and his staff and the Trump Administration, the Trump Campaign, and all allied groups that occurred between Election Day 2020 and January 6, 2021.”

“Mike Kelly has lied so much, the only way we can finally learn the truth is if he releases every single record. People died because of lies spread by Mike Kelly and his allies. It’s time for him to take responsibility for his actions,” Pastore said. “If Mike Kelly won’t take this simple step to be transparent, there is absolutely no reason to believe anything he says.”

Dan Pastore is a lifelong resident of Erie County. He currently serves as Chairman of FishUSA, a leading e-commerce retailer of sport fishing tackle. It employs more than 60 employees at its offices, warehouse, and Pro Shop in Fairview, Erie County.