Home Erie News Cross-Country Cyclist for Rare Diseases Comes to Erie

Cross-Country Cyclist for Rare Diseases Comes to Erie

Jorg Richter from Care-for-Rare America with Erie Mayor Joe Schember on August 4th 2022. Photo by Joel Natalie

Jorg Richter, a retired German firefighter, has been riding his bike around the country raising money for children with rare diseases. Jorg began his journey in San-Francisco in March, and has landed himself in Erie this week. He works with the Care-for-Rare America, a non-profit helping children with rare diseases.

Richter explained to us, “I found the Care-for-Rare foundation, who’s looking especially after these kids, the so called orphans of medicine. We know about 8,000 rare diseases worldwide.”

Jorg has been staying at different fir stations across the US throughout his journey. He will be staying at city of Erie Fire Stations while in town.