In honor of National Hunting and Fishing Day, the Erie County Public Library and the S.O.N.S. of Lake Erie will host a fishing contest for children and teens on Saturday, September 24.
The contest will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Public Access Dock between the Blasco Memorial Library at 160 E. Front St., and State St.
Participation in the contest is free, and registration is recommended.
The S.O.N.S. will provide bait and gear for participants and will also be handing out prizes to contest winners. Children and teens of all ages are encouraged to participate and learn more about fishing and fish native to Lake Erie.
In addition to partnering for this contest, the S.O.N.S. provide fishing poles and tackle available to check out for free at the Blasco Memorial Library all year round. Patrons need an active library card and can check out one fishing pole and tackle box per card. All applicable fishing licensing requirements must be followed; learn more at https://www.fishandboat.com/.
For more information and to register for the contest, visit https://events.erielibrary.org/event/9557087. For information on the S.O.N.S. of Lake Erie, visit http://sonsoflakeerie.org/.