Home Erie News City of Erie requests photos of veterans for display inside City Hall

City of Erie requests photos of veterans for display inside City Hall

Erie City Halll
City of Erie, PA Municipal Building. Photo by Joel Natalie, TalkErie.com.

The City of Erie, Pennsylvania requests photos to honor veterans who have served in the military and are from Erie to be showcased in a new display inside City Hall.

As Veterans Day approaches this year, the City of Erie would like to honor all who served in the United States military and requests photos of members of the Armed Services who are from the City of Erie.

If you or someone you know has served in the United States military, we request that they submit their photo with the following information: 

  • Full Name
  • Highest Rank Achieved
  • Branch of Service
  • Start and End Date (Or number of years served)
  • An image – preferably one in uniform

Submissions must be received by Friday, Oct. 28 by 5 p.m.  The link for photo submissions and other City of Erie resources can be found at https://linktr.ee/CityofEriePA

Entrants that may have trouble with the link can email their images to cityoferiepa@gmail.com for consideration.