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Gov. Wolf Announces $6.9 Million to Support Economic Development, Opportunities of Pennsylvania’s Coal-Impacted Communities

Photo by Vladimir Solomyani on Unsplash

Governor Tom Wolf today joined Gayle Manchin, Federal Co-Chair for the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), and his gubernatorial peers of the Appalachian region to announce more than $6.9 million being devoted to Pennsylvania’s coal communities to support economic development projects for improved opportunities.

“This $6.9 million is a critical investment for our communities with economies impact by a changing energy market,” said Gov. Wolf. “These nine projects will create jobs, diversify local economies, inspire stewardship, and improve quality of life for Pennsylvanians.”

The ARC’s Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization (POWER) Initiative seeks to diversify economies in communities and regions affected by job losses in coal mining, coal power plant operations, and coal-related supply chain industries due to the changing economics of energy production.

“From healthcare to broadband expansion and workforce training, the projects receiving grants in this round of POWER funding show that the economic future of Pennsylvania’s coal-impacted communities is not only bright, but diverse,” said ARC Federal Co-Chair Gayle Manchin. “Projects like these are resulting in life-changing transformations in Pennsylvania, which in turn, lift our entire Appalachian region. I send my sincerest congratulations to all of the Keystone State’s grantees as they continue to make strides toward revitalizing our coal-impacted areas.”

The $6.9 million in ARC POWER Initiative grants announced for Pennsylvania today include:

Erie Area Council of Governments 

Project: Erie County Broadband Expansion Feasibility Study 

Award Amount: $50,000 

The project will analyze existing broadband infrastructure and coverage gaps and recommend implementation strategies for expanding and improving local internet access throughout Erie County. The applicant will contract with an expert consultant to perform the study and with the Erie County Department of Planning and Community Development to provide economic impact data and GIS services. The project will serve 16 communities over the course of a year.