Home Erie News Erie County Executive named Vice-Chair of CCAP’s Community and Economic Development Committee 

Erie County Executive named Vice-Chair of CCAP’s Community and Economic Development Committee 

Brenton Davis, Erie County Executive. Contributed photo.

Erie County Executive Brenton Davis has been named Vice-Chair of the County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania’s Community and Economic Development Committee. 

The Community and Economic Development Committee is responsible for enhancing the quality of life of the citizens of Pennsylvania through the development, implementation and encouragement of public policies which seek to balance economic growth and environmental protection by promoting economic development, preserving natural resources, planning for growth while maintaining the character and charm of urban, suburban and rural communities, and encouraging cooperation between all levels of government – federal, state, county and local – and with all constituencies – education, business and labor. 

“I am honored to accept this state wide appointment and to serve the People of Pennsylvania. This opportunity pairs well with both of the National and International Economic Development Vice Chair appointments through National Association of Counties (NACo) and will maximize opportunities and connections to build Pennsylvania and Erie County’s economies on a state, national, and global level,” said Erie County Executive Brenton Davis. 

Davis will begin his role as Vice-Chair at their next meeting in advance of the CCAP Fall Conference on Wednesday, October 26.