Home Erie News State Police announces Thanksgiving holiday crash and enforcement results

State Police announces Thanksgiving holiday crash and enforcement results

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

The Pennsylvania State Police investigated 970 vehicle crashes resulting in two fatalities and 196 injuries during the Thanksgiving travel period November 23-27. Alcohol was a factor in 48 crashes.

Troopers arrested 539 individuals for driving under the influence and issued more than 27,000 traffic citations over the five-day holiday weekend. Troopers issued 9,252 speeding citations, 1,088 citations for failing to wear a seat belt, and 138 citations for not securing children in safety seats.


YearTotal CrashesFatal CrashesPeople KilledPeople InjuredAlcohol-Related CrashesAlcohol-Related Fatal Crashes
2022 (5 days)97022196481
2021 (5 days)1,15555225912


YearDUI ArrestsSpeeding CitationsChild Seat CitationsSeat Belt CitationsOther Citations
2022 (5 days)5399,2521381,08815,887
2021 (5 days)53310,1268484914,684

More information on 2022 Thanksgiving enforcement, broken down by troop, is available here.

These statistics cover only those incidents investigated by the Pennsylvania State Police and do not include incidents to which other law enforcement agencies responded.

For more information on the Pennsylvania State Police, visit psp.pa.gov.