Home Erie News Erie Arts & Culture rethinks grant programs

Erie Arts & Culture rethinks grant programs

Community News

Organization Aims to Better Serve the Needs of Artists and Arts Organizations

 Erie Arts & Culture will provide over $60,000 in grants to Erie County artists and finonprofit arts organizations to support strategic initiatives and long-term growth. 

Since 1960, Erie Arts & Culture has provided direct funding support to the artists and cultural organizations of the greater Erie community. In 2019, the arts agency entered into a new strategic plan, one which called for better aligning of its resources with its values and objectives. In pursuit of more measurable outcomes ffand impact through its grantmaking, Erie Arts & Culture’s staff, Programs Committee, and Board of Trustees have redesigned the policies and procedures of their grantmaking programs. 

fiPreviously, organizations and individuals with a fiscal sponsor applied to Erie Arts & Culture’s annual Ignite Arts grant program. All grants were awarded to support arts-based projects. The agency recognized that investing in Erie County artists and arts organizations’ long term growth would have a greater impact on the Northwestern Pennsylvania arts and culture sector than supporting one-time projects. 

The agency’s revised approach breaks the Ignite Arts program into named sub funds. Grants made from these funds will support strategic initiatives, so applicants may now request a larger grant amount from the appropriate sub fund. Round table discussions with grantees will replace the traditional written ffreporting system in an effort to build community, exchange ideas, and foster collaboration across the sector. 

ffiCasey Corritore, Program Officer of Capacity Building at Erie Arts & Culture, says these changes position the organization alongside national leaders in grantmaking: 

“Erie Arts & Culture’s new approach strives to support Erie County’s entire creative community, from grassroots initiatives to established organizations. Progress and equity are at the forefront of strategic grantmaking on a national scale. The work to be more equitable and inclusive is ongoing: we aim for progress over perfection.” 

Starting March 1, Erie Arts & Culture will accept applications from organizations and individual artists. Read about the programs and eligibility requirements at erieartsandculture.org. 

The policy changes support Erie Arts & Culture’s overarching goal to align its grantmaking processes with the agency’s strategic plan and advance the principles of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA). 

The new policies were approved by Erie Arts & Culture’s Board of Trustees during the January 17th Board Meeting. The policies are informed by national and regional grantmaking practices and conversations with industry leaders, past grant recipients, and members of the broader Erie community. Each program honors the initial donor’s intention, and integrates community-informed strategies from sector leaders such as Cuyahoga Arts and Culture and the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts.