Home Erie News Applications to be accepted for District Three County Council Seat

Applications to be accepted for District Three County Council Seat

Erie County Council District 3
Erie County PA Council, District 3

Erie County Council has begun the difficult process to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of District 3 representative Mary Rennie last week. An ad will run in the Erie Times News legal ads on Tuesday, August 1, 2023.

Those interested may email, hand deliver, or mail a resume and a letter of interest to the County Clerk’s Office (mmoore@eriecountypa.gov), Room 114 in the Erie County Courthouse no later than 12:00 Noon on Wednesday August 9, 2023.

The ad urges interested citizens “to apply to fill a vacancy of the District 3 seat on Erie County Council. Erie County Council is the legislative body of Erie County Government; responsible for the appropriation of funds required for government operation including the yearly passage of a County budget.”

In order to be considered, applicants must be registered members of the Democratic Party, and have at least one year of residence in District 3. The yearly salary is $10,868 for the position; it is pension and health benefits eligible. Attendance at four or more Council meetings per month is required. Erie Countv is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

The eventual nominee would serve until December 31, 2023. A new District Three representative will be elected in the 2023 General Election for a 4-year term.

District 3 is comprised of the City of Erie 3rd Ward Districts 6 & 7, 5th Ward Districts 1, 2, 11, & 20, and 6th Ward Districts 1. 2. & 4-17 as well as Millcreek Township Districts 11. 12. & 18-20.

Those having questions regarding the position or related matters of County government may call the Council Office at 451-6303.