Home Erie News Winter Parking Regulations to Take Effect November 1

Winter Parking Regulations to Take Effect November 1

Winter parking regulations
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The City of Erie and the Erie Parking Authority would like to remind residents that Winter Parking Regulations will take effect on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, and will continue through Sunday, March 31, 2024. These regulations allow snowplows to navigate some of our narrower city streets.

Under Winter Parking Regulations, residents are permitted to park on only one side of the street, depending on the day of the week. Streets that are affected by these regulations are posted with signs designating odd-even parking. Winter Parking Regulations will not be enforced on weekends unless a major snowstorm is forecast for the city on Saturday or Sunday. If that happens, the City will notify the news media and create a social media alert to inform residents that odd-even parking will continue for that weekend.

Residents with questions about Winter Parking Regulations, or who notice that the parking signs on their street are missing or damaged, should contact the Citizen Response Center at (814) 870-1111.