Home Erie News Erie County Courthouse to be illuminated green in support of veterans during...

Erie County Courthouse to be illuminated green in support of veterans during ‘Operation Green Light’

Erie County, PA Courthouse
Erie County, PA Courthouse. Public domain.

Erie County Executive Brenton Davis announced that the Erie County Courthouse would be illuminated green from November 6th through the 12th as part of Operation Green Light. This is a national collaborative initiative to support military veterans, as well as raise awareness about the unique challenges faced by many veterans and the resources that are available at the county, state, and federal level to assist veterans and their families. 

Operation Green Light’s mission is to show support for veterans of all military conflicts, as well as raise awareness about the unique challenges faced by many veterans (and their families). 

“This is just one small act of appreciation that we can do for our veterans, Said County Executive Davis. By displaying the green light, we honor the sacrifices and contributions our veterans and their families have made on and off the battlefield, Davis added. 

Residents are encouraged to participate by simply changing one light bulb in their home to a green bulb. This can be an exterior light than neighbors and passersby see or an interior light that sparks a conversation with friends. By shining a green light, we are letting our veterans know that they are seen, appreciated and supported. 

“It’s important that we recognize our Nation’s Heroes, not only on Veterans Day, but every day,” said Director of Veterans Services, Joe Benacci. “Shining a green light this week is a simple way to let veterans know they are seen, appreciated, supported, and to remind them that there are many services out there for them,” Benacci added. 

While this event is focuses around the week of Veteran’s Day (November 6-12), participants are encouraged to continue shining the light year round. Participants are encouraged to share their participation on social media using the hashtag #OperationGreenLight. 

County Executive Davis encourages everyone to join with the County in displaying a greenlight for our veterans and their families. 

For more information on Operation Green Light, Click Here.