Home Erie News Fundraising begins for Millcreek boy who needs heart transplant

Fundraising begins for Millcreek boy who needs heart transplant

Jonah's journey
Mark Fuhrman, grandfather of Jonah Allgeier, pictured, at a news conference, Dec. 20, 2023. Photo by Joel Natalie, TalkErie.com.

Wednesday marked the official launch of the fundraising campaign for Children’s Organ Transplant Association.

The “COTA for Jonah’s Journey” fundraising campaign hopes to raise $360,000 for transplant-related expenses for six-year-old Jonah Allgeier, of Millcreek Township. Jonah was diagnosed with Restrictive Cardiomyopathy in December of 2022 and was recently life-flighted to Cleveland Clinic.

The severity of his diagnosis requires Jonah to remain hospitalized until he receives a heart transplant.

Donations to help with Jonah’s Journey can be made to www.COTAforJonahsJourney.com.