Home Erie News One-Day delay for holiday weeks: City of Erie recycling & refuse collection

One-Day delay for holiday weeks: City of Erie recycling & refuse collection

Erie City Halll
City of Erie, PA Municipal Building. Photo by Joel Natalie, TalkErie.com.

This is a reminder that the City of Erie residential refuse and recycling collection operations will be delayed by one day during the weeks of December 24th and January 1st. For example, residents who typically place their items curbside on a Sunday night should do so on Monday night and so on for the remainder of this two-week period.

Christmas tree collection for city residents takes place from Sunday, Dec. 25 to Thursday, Jan. 18. Please place your tree curbside on regular collection nights (noting the holiday trash schedule which will be delayed by one day during the weeks of December 24th and January 1st).