Home Erie News JES announces 35 upcoming events across 7 locations; Pulitzer Prize-winning author Doris...

JES announces 35 upcoming events across 7 locations; Pulitzer Prize-winning author Doris Kearns Goodwin set May 9

Jefferson Educational Society sign. Photo by Joel Natalie, TalkErie.com.

A look at a contentious 19th century presidential election, child-care policies, and a firsthand account of a Secret Service agent who was present the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated are among first events the Jefferson Educational Society will host as the think tank kicks off its 2024 Spring Term programming season.

The JES’s Spring Term also includes a special event in partnership with the Erie County Bar Association: “A Discussion with Presidential Historian and Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author Doris Kearns Goodwin.” Goodwin, who appeared at the JES’s Global Summits in 2016, 2018, and 2021, will be in conversation with Erie native Steve Scully, the senior vice president of communications at the Bipartisan Policy Center in Washington, D.C. Scully is also host of “The Briefing” on SiriusXM, and chairman of the JES Global Summit.

The 2024 Annual Law Day Celebration is set for Thursday, May 9 at 11 a.m. at the Warner Theatre, 811 State St. Goodwin will discuss her latest book, “An Unfinished Love Story: A Personal History of the 1960s.”

The Spring Term at the JES begins Wednesday, April 10, with historian George Deutsch exploring “America’s Most Contentious Presidential Election: 1876.” The lecture will begin at 7 p.m. The event also features a pre-event “term kick-off” reception at 6 p.m.

This event is free and open to the public, but advanced registration is required and can be made at the JES’s website; by phone at 814.459.8000; or in person at the JES offices, 3207 State St.

In all, more than 35 programs are planned during the Spring Term, including 18 presentations and two courses at the JES, and 15 programs at JES Satellite locations:

  • Corry Higher Education Council in Corry: 221 N. Center St., Corry, PA 16407
  • Erie Center for Arts and Technology in East Erie: 650 East Ave., Suite 120, Erie, PA 16503
  • Lincoln Community Library in Fairview: 1255 Manchester Road, Erie, PA 16505
  • Harborcreek Township building in Harborcreek: 5601 Buffalo Road, Harbocreek, PA 16421
  • PennWest College in Edinboro: 110 Kiltie Road, Edinboro, PA 16444.

The Spring Term also includes two virtual events and continues through May 24. All events are open to the public.

“We are excited to be welcoming seven visiting speakers while continuing to showcase local experts to offer a slate of events covering a wide range of issues,” said JES President Dr. Ferki Ferati. “Our team is looking forward to building on this year’s momentum begun during our Winter Term and is excited to continue strong partnerships and develop new ones, like the one with the Erie County Bar Association.”

In addition to the special event with Goodwin, other partnership events include:

  • Monday, April 15 at 7 p.m.: “A Kennedy Secret Service Agent Breaks His Silence After 60 Years,” featuring retired Special Agent Paul Landis – event in partnership with the Hagen History Center.
  • Thursday, April 25 at 7 p.m.: “The Promise of America: An Immigrant Story,” featuring Akbar Hossain, Pennsylvania Secretary of Policy and Planning – event in partnership with the Erie County Community College.
  • Friday, April 26 at noon: “Addressing the Opioid Crisis in Erie and Pennsylvania: Examining Local- and State-Level Responses,” featuring Pennsylvania Representative Jim Struzzi (PA 62nd District) and professional public library staff members – event in partnership with the Erie County Public Library.
  • Monday, May 20 at 7 p.m.: “Navigating the Caregiving Role,” featuring Dr. Belinda Stillman, board certified psychiatrist, clinical assistant professor at the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) – event in partnership with LECOM Health

Spring Term events also include the continuation of the “Community Conversations” series. Held on Fridays at noon, beginning Friday, April 12 and running through Friday, May 24, they include:

  • “Game Changers for Children in Erie: How a Court Case, Pennsylvania Budget Priorities, and Advocacy Move the Needle,” with Donna Cooper, executive director of Children First and Kate Philips, chief executive officer of Parker-Philips.
  • “Raising the Next Generation: Examining the Findings of the 2023 JES Civic Leadership Academy Cohort on Child Care,” featuring members of the 2023 JCLA cohort.
  • “Addressing the Opioid Crisis in Erie and Pennsylvania: Examining Local- and State-Level Responses,” featuring Pennsylvania Representative Jim Struzzi (PA 62nd District) and professional public library staff members.
  • “Inspiring Horizon: Erie Arts & Culture’s Next Chapter Serving Northwestern Pennsylvania,” featuring Anne O’Dell, executive director of Erie Arts & Culture.
  • “Erie Water Works Historic Lead Line Removal Efforts,” featuring Craig Palmer, executive director of Erie Water Works (this event is part of National Drinking Water Week programming)
  • “What’s Really Happening at the Erie International Airport?” featuring Brian Slawin, vice president of the Erie Regional Airport Authority Board.
  • “The Revitalization of the Burton Elementary School Site,” featuring Gary Horton, founder and chief executive officer of Urban Erie Community Development Corporation (UECDC).

These events are free and open to the public, but a brown-bag lunch can be purchased for $5 with advanced registration. Attendees are also welcome to bring their own lunches if they wish.

On Tuesday, May 7 at 7 p.m., the JES will host visiting speakers Laurie Zierer and Dawn Frisby Beyer, the executive director and senior director of content and engagement of PA Humanities, respectively, who will in joined by Erie’s Black Wall Street Chief Operating Officer Dr. Rhonda Matthews. They will discuss “Humanities in Action: Celebrating the Stories that Shape Pennsylvania’s Communities.”

Among the term’s highlights will be presentations by several JES scholars-in-residence, including Drs. Parris Baker and Michael DeSanctis. Area history professors, Drs. Amy Carney and Jeffrey Bloodworth, will examine and explore democracy and populism at the JES.

A full list of upcoming events, including JES Satellite Events, is featured below.

For more information about the programs, memberships, or to make reservations, call 814.459.8000 or visit www.JESErie.org.