Home Joel Natalie Show Year-End Update from Erie’s Public Schools

Year-End Update from Erie’s Public Schools

Polito, Brockman, Szumigala
Erie's Public Schools Superintendent Brian Polito, and Assistant Superintendents Neil Brockman and Teresa Szumigala interviewed by Joel Natalie, May 22, 2024. Photo by Shani Bills, TalkErie.com.

The three top leaders of Erie’s Public Schools joined the Joel Natalie Show Wednesday for a rare comprehensive conversation on the state the region’s largest school district and its over 11,000 students. Our guests were Superintendent Brian Polito, and Assistant Superintendents Neil Brockman and Teresa Szumigala. Topics ranged from building projects, to state test scores, and the utilization of WestEd consultant firm at Erie High and East Middle Schools.