Home Erie News White House director visits Erie

White House director visits Erie

Perez & Davis
TalkErie's Joel Natalie interviews White House Director of Intergovernmental Affairs Tom Perez, and Erie County Executive Brenton Davis, Sep. 27, 2024. Photo by Shani Bills, TalkErie.

The City of Erie and Erie County hosted Director Tom Perez from the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs on Friday for a series of events focused on showcasing investments made using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding. These projects, aimed at strengthening local infrastructure, sustainability, and community resilience, underscore the federal government’s commitment to supporting regional growth through ARPA.

Locations Director Perez visited in the city and county included VNet, Iron Works Square, the Project RESOLVE site at Penn State Behrend, and the Community Resilience Center, capped off by a conversation on TalkErie’s Joel Natalie Show.

This visit highlighted how the City and County has leveraged ARPA funding along with Bipartisan Infrastructure Law dollars to enhance sustainability, upgrade critical infrastructure, and develop affordable housing initiatives.