Home Erie News Erie County Election Office updates remedies for mail-in ballots

Erie County Election Office updates remedies for mail-in ballots

mail in ballot
Photo by Joshua Woroniecki on Unsplash

From the Erie County Clerk Karen Chillcott:

All eligible voters who were approved for a mail ballot prior to the statutory deadline of October 29, but have not yet have received the mail ballot, may come into the Election Office at the Courthouse to be provided a replacement ballot. The hours are as follow: 

  • Saturday        November 2 8:00am – 4:00pm
  • Sunday          November 3  8:00am – 4:00pm
  • Monday          November 4 8:00am – 6:00pm

The Board of Elections has set up an additional phone line dedicated for those voters with a disability or illness that prevents them from coming into the office so that a replacement ballot can be delivered to their home. That number is 814-451-6011. This phone line has been set up specifically for this purpose, and if other callers use this number, it can overwhelm the phone line and prevent those in need from reaching a staff member.  All other callers please use the general line at 814-451-6275.

Out of state voters who have not received their mail ballot may contact the office at 814-451-6275 or email the department at helpvote@eriecountypa.gov to have a replacement ballot sent to them. All other emails should be sent to voterreg@eriecountypa.gov.