Home Erie News Erie County Elections FAQ

Erie County Elections FAQ


From the Erie County Election Office:

  1. What accommodations have been made for voters who have not received their mail-in ballots so they can vote today or tomorrow?

    Some out-of-state voters were mailed a ballot overnight to replace the ballot they did not receive.

    If you requested a mail ballot but have not received or returned it, you may vote a provisional ballot at your assigned polling place on Election Day. Polling places are open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (any voter in line at 8:00 p.m. can vote no matter how long the line is). Provisional ballots are reviewed after Election Day, and eligible votes will be counted if the voter’s mail ballot wasn’t received.

    2. When can these voters go to the Elections and Voter Registration Office at the Erie County Courthouse to pick up a replacement ballot?

    Today, Monday, November 4, 2024, is the last day for voters to receive a replacement ballot.

    Voters who have not received their mail-in ballot can go to the Elections and Voter Registration Office at 140 W Sixth Street, Room 112, to receive a new ballot until 6:00 p.m.

    3. Do these voters have to cast provisional ballots if they vote in person on Tuesday, or is there a way they can cast a regular ballot?

    Voters who were sent a mail-in ballot but did not receive the ballot may vote on Election Day by appearing at their polling location and voting a provisional ballot.

    4. What about voters who did not receive the mail-in ballot they requested but are unable to get to either the Courthouse on Monday or their polling place on Tuesday?

    Erie County set up a phone line specifically for voters with disabilities or illnesses who cannot come to the office. The number is 814-451-6011.

    5. What are you doing to inform voters about their options?

    Our office provides information on its website and social media pages and is actively sharing updates with the media and the public.

    6. How many mail-in ballots have been returned?

    74% of voters who requested a mail-in ballot have either returned it or voted early in person.

    7. Should we expect longer lines on Election Day if many of these voters end up coming to the polls and casting provisional ballots?

    Since it is a presidential election, voters should plan to wait in line to vote. Poll workers will process voters as timely and accurately as possible.

    Voters should plan ahead by reviewing their sample ballot and provisional voting guidance ahead of time to make their voting experience better.

    8. Do you have the staffing and resources to handle the increase in in-person voting on Election Day?

    Yes. Our poll workers have received ongoing updates, and we will ensure they have any updated information they need to be ready on Election Day.

    9. How might these changes affect the counting of ballots, and when will we know the results?

    Regardless of changes, unofficial results will begin to be posted after the close of polls on Election Night. Provisional ballot validation begins Friday, November 8, 2024, and must be completed by Tuesday, November 12, 2024. Initial certification of all election results must be completed by November 19, 2024, and final certification must be completed by November 25, 2024.